miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2015

 The division is splitting into equal parts or groups 
It´s the result of fair sharing.

Example:there are 12 chocolates,and 3 friends want to share them,how do they divide the chocolates 

12 chocolates                                  12 chocolates divided by 3


The Addition
The result of adding two or more numbers.

Example: 9 is the sum of 2, 4 and 3 
(because 2 + 4 + 3 = 9).

... bringing two or more numbers (or things) together to make a new total.
Here 1 ball is added
to 1 ball
to make 2 balls:
Using Numerals it is:   1 + 1 = 2
And in words it is:"One plus one equals two"

The organims

The organims there are:

Unicellular:organism with a single cell,Amobea,bacteria and paramoecium 

Multicellular:Organims consisting of many cells:


Unicellular and multicellular
The number pf cells in the body varies with different organims.
In some lower forms of life [example:euglena,Amobea]the body is formed of a single cell;these organisms are described as unicellular.

In a unicellular organisms all life activites are carries out by this cell internol structures the intracellular structures